TV and radio channels supporting Songs for Ukraine

On behalf of the Ukrainian authors, we thank all the supporters who use works (music, movies, etc.) by Ukrainian creators.

Within the global campaign Songs for Ukraine, radio and television stations and other music providers are called on to select Ukrainian songs for their channel’s programs. By joining Songs for Ukraine, radio and TV channels across the world can express their solidarity and help earn extra income for the creators. The royalty coming from the plays on licensed platforms will reach the authors of the Ukrainian songs through the Ukrainian authors’ society.

The list of supporters of the initiative can be found below and is constantly being extended. Would you join Songs for Ukraine and play songs on your channels by Ukrainian artists? Please find our playlists here and let us know about your involvement in email ([email protected]).




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A Songs for Ukraine az Artisjus kezdeményezéséből született nemzetközi kezdeményezés. A vele kapcsolatos információkat a oldalon tesszük közzé a külföldi partnerek számára is.

Categories: Songs for Ukraine


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